发表于 2017-5-7 19:44:49
3.1.1 工作区Working zone
高Height 500 mm.
宽Width 600 mm.
长Length 900 mm.
最大装载量Maximum weight of load 600 kg.
3.1.2 温度Temperature
操作温度Operating temperature 700/1100°C.
700°C 至 1100°C有效区温度均匀性Homogeneity in useful volume, stabilised temperature between 700°C and 1100°C +/-5°C
3.1.3 额定电力Nominal electric power
加热Heating 70 kW.
油加热Oil heating 24 kW.
机械泵Primary pump 4 kW.
罗茨泵Roots pump 2,2 kW.
3.1.4 热交换器Exchanger
表面积Surface 12 m2.
3.1.5 热区压力及真空度Pressure and vacuum in the heating vessel
极限真空Ultimate vacuum 5.10-2 mbar.
压升率Leak rate inf. to 5. 10-3 l/s.
氮气压力(油淬中)Pressure under N2 (during oil quenching sequence) 0,8 bar abs.
3.1.6 抽真空能力(根据供应商数据)Pumping flowrate (according to supplier's data)
机械泵Primary pump minimum 200 m3/h.
罗茨泵Roots pump at 5.10 1 mbar minimum 600 m3/h.
3.1.7 抽真空时间Pumping down time
At 5.10 2 mbar About 15 min.
注: 数据是在空炉室温的情况下N.B. : The vacuum data are given for an empty, degassed and clean furnace at room temperature.
使用氦气检漏仪做的气密性检测/Airtight test made with helium detector.