下面这段英文技术资料,摘自THE HEAT-TREATMENT OF STEEL (钢的热处理),by EDWIN GREGORY and ERIC N. SIMONS,LONDON SIR ISAAC PITMAN & SONS,LTD. Second edition 1958. CHAPTER Ⅲ(第三章)Spheroidizing Ball-bearing Steel,Austermpering and Martempering(滚珠轴承钢的球化处理、贝氏体等温淬火和低于Ms点的分级淬火)。感兴趣的朋友,可以把它译成汉语。大家相互交流,相互提高。
Austempering comprises raising the temperature of a steel until its structural condition is completely austenitic, i.e. well above its upper critical point,and then immersing it in a molten lead or salt bath heated to and rigorously maintained at a chosen temperature, which cools it quickly to this temperature,but is above the temperature at which the austenite in the steel normally changes to hard martensite when quenched in oil or water at ordinary temperature.The bath temperature is maintained, in short,below the change of the steel,but still higher than that at which martensite forms under more drastic quenching conditions.The austenite is not retained,of course,but is gradually tempered,hence the term austempering, yielding a structural state comparable with ,but perhaps finer than ,that obtained by the more orthodox hardening and tempering treatments.The result is a tougher steel for a specific hardness than can be obtained by the normal method of hardening followed by tempering.
It is claimed,quite legitimately,that austempering minimizes cracking and distortion during heat-treatment. |