签到天数: 2587 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老
本帖最后由 dhzhou888 于 2013-6-28 02:13 编辑
【作者】:周鼎华 无锡法福表面处理技术有限公司,江苏无锡214145
【摘要】:简要介绍了铝合金表面处理技术的新进展,重点介绍了铝合金的阳极氧化、电镀、化学镀和微弧氧化、激光熔覆等工艺。 (共6页)
【关键词】:铝合金 表面处理 阳极氧化 电镀 化学镀 微弧氧化 激光熔覆
Recently Progress on Surface Treatment Technology of
Aluminum Alloys
ZHOU Ding-hua (Wuxi Fafu Techniques Surfaces Treatment Co., Ltd,
Wuxi Jiangsu 214145,China)
Abstract: This paper described that recently progress on surface treatment technology of aluminum alloys. Some surface treatment processes of aluminum alloys were introduced. Such as anodizing,electroplating,electroless plating,micro-arc oxidation,laser clad etc.
Key words: aluminum alloys;surface treatment;anodizing;electroplating;electroless plating;micro-arc oxidation;laser clad.
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