【作者】:Charles S. Barrett
【出版地】:ENW YORK
Book Description:
This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form withoutpermission of the publishers. PREFACE This book is intended to serveboth as a text and as a reference book. The portions intended forclassroom use have been written for courses in crystallography,particularly the courses offered to students of metallurgy. It isprimarily intended for graduate courses, but a number of chapters areat a level appropriate for advanced undergraduate courses in appliedx-rays, crystallography, and physical metallurgy Chaps. I to IV, IX toXI, XIII. In an effort to make the book more readable, certain advancedtopics on x-ray diffraction and various tables of data have been placedin appendixes, and laboratory manipulations that would not interest thegeneral reader have been printed in smaller type. The first fourchapters of this book explain the fundamentals of crystal lattices andprojections, and the general principles of the diffrac tion of x-raysfrom Crystals. Chapters V to VII cover the technique of x-raydiffraction, presenting the operating details of the methods that arein common use. Several chapters are included on the applica tions ofx-ray diffraction in the field of physical metallurgy, coveringtechniques for determining constitution diagrams, identifying unknownmaterials, determining crystal structures, determining the orientationof single crystals, detecting and analyzing preferred orientations, andmeasuring stresses. One chapter is devoted to electron diffraction, itsmetallurgical uses, and the precautions to be observed in interpretingelectron diffrac tion data. The electron microscope receives only abrief mention because at the time the manuscript was written themetallographic technique for this instrument was still being rapidlydeveloped and, except for particle-size determinations, the instrumenthad not yet achieved the status of a widely accepted tool inmetallographic or crystallographic research. The last half of the bookis devoted to the results of research and contains extensive reviews offields that are of current interest. In assembling these summaries, aneffort has been made to include an ade quate number of references tothe literature, to cover thoroughly the subjects that have not beenextensively reviewed in readily available publications, and to maintaina critical but unbiased attitude toward the data and conclusions thatare reviewed. The subjects treated include the following principlesgoverning the crystal structure of metals and vi PREPACK alloyssupcrlattices and their effect on properties imperfections in crystalsthe structure of liquid metals the processes of slip, twinning, andfracture and modern theories of these processes, including the cur rentdislocation theory the effects of cold work and annealing on thestructure of metals, including the effects on diffraction patterns ofstatic and fatigue stressing, rolling, grinding, and polishing theresults of x-ray studies of internal stresses preferred orientationsresulting from cold work, hot work, recrystallization, freezing,electrodeposition, evapora tion, and sputtering directionality incommercial products and in single crystals and its relation to crystalorientation. The author is indebted to many colleagues and graduatestudents who have assisted directly and indirectly in the preparationof this book. He particularly wishes to thank Dr. R. F... 本帖最后由 玉米清阁 于 2010-1-9 17:56 编辑
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